The Gift of a Longer Life

A waiting list shouldn’t determine whether someone lives or dies. We’re working toward a future where everyone who needs an organ or tissue graft is able to get one.

A Simple Step That Can Change a Life

About Donation

Not sure what the full process looks like? Get access to everything you need to know about donation.

Support for Families

Resources and information for grieving families of donors.

Find Resources

Get assistance with organ and tissue donation, educational opportunities, in-hospital support, and the management of organ and tissue donors.

Rachel’s Gift

See how one woman’s donation impacted so many others.

The Power of Organ &
Tissue Donation

A single gift can change a number of lives.

up to8 lives
can be saved through the gift of a heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, pancreas and intestines.
over150 individuals
can be healed through tissue donation for procedures like nerve restoration, heart valve replacement, burn treatment and more.
107 years
is the age of the oldest known donor. Any person can make a difference.
Donor Family Aftercare

Support for Donor Family Members

Our Donor Family Aftercare Program provides families of organ and tissue donors with resources, grief and bereavement support and custom resources to navigate the process of losing a loved one.

Professional Support

Assistance for Hospitals and Staff

Contact a dedicated Hospital Development Program Manager from LifeCenter Northwest for assistance with the organ and tissue donation process.

The LifeCenter Northwest Blog

Keep up with the latest news, donation stories and resources.

June 28, 2024

Avid Horseman Saved by Liver Transplant

Left photo: Jesse and Kevin; Right photo: Jesse and Ladybird Jesse Flores was living a very good life. In his 40s, he took a leap of faith and left a … Read More

April 22, 2024

Montana’s organ donors honored by Gov. Gianforte at Helena event

Young man’s legacy of connection lives on through organ donation Carter Herne, 25, renewed his organ donor registration only a week prior to the tragic motorcycle accident that took his … Read More

April 16, 2024

Washington governor honors donors at “Gift of Life” event in Olympia

Covington teen’s legacy of love lives on through organ donation When 18-year-old Madeline Goldsmith left her home for a day with friends last Fourth of July, she hugged her parents, … Read More

Learn How You Can Help

Whether you advocate for our organization, contribute, or join our team, you can help us change the lives of people in need.