Our tissue donation services team has the privilege of helping improve people’s lives—by offering them the chance to live without constant back pain, walk without a debilitating limp, be spared an amputation, celebrate a first birthday after repairing a cardiac defect, or win back a life that was severely limited by trauma or disease.
Since the first year of our tissue program in 2008, we’ve steadily grown in the number of musculoskeletal, skin, nerve, and cardiovascular tissue grafts recovered. To date, we have been able to offer hundreds of thousands of tissue recipients the opportunity for hope and healing.
The LifeCenter Northwest difference
When your hospital works with LifeCenter Northwest for both organ and tissue donation, your staff and the families of your donors receive a quality, streamlined donation experience, including:
- Hands-on care for donor families. Just as with organ donors, we offer extensive bereavement care for the families of tissue donors with an 18-month minimum aftercare program.
- The best processors. We work with multiple processors including, MTF Biologics, the largest tissue processor in the world, Community Tissue Services, the largest nonprofit provider of skin grafts for burn patients in the United States.
- Industry-leading expertise. Our team honors the generous gift of donors by helping them touch the lives of as many recipients as possible, with an average of 125 grafts per donor, well above the average of other tissue organizations.
- Better access to grafts. When LifeCenter Northwest is your tissue recovery partner, all MTF tissue grafts processed from your hospital will be offered to your surgeons first—which gives you and your donor families a generous way to give back to your own community.
- Award-winning commitment. LifeCenter Northwest is accredited by the American Association of Tissue Banks and committed to providing the highest quality of tissue service. We have earned extensive awards from our tissue processing partners including the Axogen Recovery Organization of the Year, MTF Golden Mortarboard Award and Golden Hourglass Award, and the Community Tissue Services Platinum Pyramid Performance Award.
We owe a huge debt of gratitude to donors and their families for their generosity, courage, and selflessness. Tissue donation is an important part of the donation process. As a recovery partner for your organization we will work together to heal and save more lives in our local communities.
Children who are born with Down Syndrome have a much higher chance of experiencing soft tissue injuries in their lifetime. Naomi was one of those kids. Her love of baseball was threatened when she could no longer run without her knee cap displacing. Please watch and share her inspiring story!
Accreditation, Certificates, and Registrations
LifeCenter Northwest uphold the most up-to-date Accreditation, Certificates, and Registrations documents. Click here to view these files.
Contact Us
If you’re a medical professional and have questions about LifeCenter’s tissue recovery program, contact your Hospital Development Representative.
Forensic Pathology and Donation
Dr. Willy Kemp discusses how OPOs, tissue recovery organizations, and medical examiners and coroners can work in together to facilitate organ and tissue donation.
Our Tissue Processing Partners