LifeCenter Northwest is grateful for the opportunity to work with news outlets to tell the life-changing stories of donation and transplantation. We are dedicated to providing timely responses to media inquiries and to supplying accurate information regarding organ and tissue donation. As with all our actions, collaboration with the media is approached with a foremost focus on the care, protection, and privacy of our donors, their families, and transplant recipients. For information about HIPAA please visit

Saving Adriana: In 2023, LifeCenter Northwest saved more lives than ever before. Read how the generosity of an organ donor and the innovation of a transplant partner saved Adriana Rodriguez, a 31-year-old mother of three in our 2023 Annual Report.

For the Media

Media Contact Information
(425) 201-6637
Please do not use these contacts for sales inquiries.

LifeCenter Northwest Fact Sheet

Organ transplant waiting list* 

National: 103,680

Regional: 1,950

Alaska: 136

Idaho: 313

Montana: 175

Washington: 1,318

*United Network for Organ Sharing data as of June 30, 2024.