LifeCenter Northwest is grateful for the opportunity to work with news outlets to tell the life-changing stories of donation and transplantation.

As with all our actions, collaboration with the media is approached with a foremost focus on the care, protection, and privacy of our donors, their families, and transplant recipients. Learn more about protected health information and HIPAA.


Ben’s legacy: How one son’s organs saved four lives

Benjamin Hubbard Atwood Anderson, 20, lost his life in a motorcycle accident. His mother honored his life by choosing to save others through organ donation.

kiro 7 clip of houck living donor story
KIRO 7 News

Sergeant donates kidney to save mother’s life

Sgt. Jason Houck from the King County Sheriff’s Office gives an emotional interview about his living kidney donation to his mother, Cindy Houck.

Billings Gazette

Woman dedicates herself to organ donations after son’s heart transplant

Numbness took over Megan Truman when she heard her son would die without a heart transplant.

Kent Reporter

Liver transplant as toddler saved life of 19-year-old Kent man

Kaden Hollis and his mother Cindie Hollis shared their stories at an August 2024 Donation Celebration event for the donation community in Bellevue, Wash.

KTVQ News in Montana

Organ donor families and recipients share stories of hope and healing at Billings event

Heart recipient Rev. Jim Shelden and the family of donor Spencer Durbin, 22, share their stories of loss and hope from each side of the organ donation experience at a Donation Celebration event in Billings, Mont.

Your Alaska Link

Families of organ donors and transplant recipients celebrate this weekend

Lung recipient and Nome native, Ginny Fagerstrom, shares her journey to transplant at Donation Celebration event in Anchorage, Alaska.

More stories:

Saving Adriana: In 2023, LifeCenter Northwest saved more lives than ever before. Read how the generosity of an organ donor and the innovation of a transplant partner saved Adriana Rodriguez, a mother of three in our 2023 Annual Report.