Hazel Homan
Organ Donor Hero
Hazel’s free spirit was nourished by her extended family who introduced her to music, applauded her dance parties, and spent endless hours playing at the park or in the sand at the beach. She loved “My Little Ponies” and the Disney movie “Moana.”
As an early talker, Hazel wasn’t shy about sharing her feelings. She was a confident toddler who could read other people’s emotions, knowing when they needed to laugh or cuddle.
When Hazel died at the age of 3, her family made the heroic decision to donate her organs and save three other children. Her bright, bubbly spirit still lives on in her recipients and in the hearts and minds of her loving grandparents, aunt and uncle, and cousins who adored her.
“This decision made me hold onto my faith, motivated me to do what I needed to do to honor Hazel,” said Ashlee Barnes, Hazel’s aunt. “She gave three other families a Christmas miracle.”

Photo: This joyful little girl embraced music and especially loved to sing “How far I’ll go” from Disney’s “Moana” movie. Sometimes Hazel’s jam sessions were just for her, where she would wear her headphones, and other times, she wanted the whole family to listen and would request the big speaker!
“I always called her my angel baby,” said Ashlee. “I would say prayers into her ear when she was a baby, and when she got a little older, she would hug me, put her ear up to my mouth to hear the prayers, and just light up. That was our thing.”