Each month, LifeCenter Northwest selects a LifeSaver Award winner. This award honors and recognizes those who demonstrate a commitment to improving donation outcomes and culture through their actions, time, and energy.

We are proud to announce that Charelle Woods, CNA, from Trios Southridge Hospital in Kennewick, Wash. is our latest LifeSaver Award winner!
Charelle was nominated by LifeCenter’s clinical staff for her amazing service during a recent successful organ donation at Trios. Thanks in large part to the Trios team’s collaboration and compassionate care, we were able to honor the donation decision of a generous registered individual (and their family), thus saving the lives of four people.
The Trios team graciously held an honor walk and it was at that time that Charelle truly went above and beyond for the patient and family. Throughout the honor walk, and while assisting in pushing the bed from the ICU to the OR, Charelle began to beautifully sing “Amazing Grace” and never stopped, not even while in the elevator. Charelle’s singing was to the great comfort of both family and staff; the donor’s family was deeply touched and moved to tears, as were many hospital and LifeCenter staff members.
Charelle said she is proud to have been part of that experience and humbled to receive the LifeSaver Award.
“I am very honored. I don’t do anything for someone to give me praise,” she said. “For me, singing is part of my patient care, but to know something as little as me singing…that they thought it was so big, that means a lot.”
Through her actions, Charelle helped create an even more moving honor walk experience for the donor’s family while expressing support and love for the family on behalf of the healthcare team. For these reasons, LifeCenter Northwest is proud to honor Charelle with our LifeSaver Award!