Each month LifeCenter Northwest presents a Lifesaver Award to honor and recognize someone who has demonstrated a commitment to improving donation outcomes and culture through their actions, time, and energy. We are proud to announce Dr. Shari Peach, St Patrick Hospital in Missoula, Montana, as our August LifeSaver Award winner.
There are several examples of Dr. Peach’s “lifesaver” credentials, but one example stands out. There were three referrals. Two of those referrals were high profile, highly critical, and requiring a significant amount of time and resources, and were eventually transferred out to a higher level of care. It was the third patient that is so significant. She was not high profile, but she was critically ill. Dr. Peach ensured she received the same level of care, compassion, and manpower as the other patients. Dr. Peach knew this patient’s life was ending and significant efforts would be required to maintain the opportunity for donation. Dr. Peach initiated a massive transfusion protocol and engaged with multiple other teams to actively address the complicated medical course of this patients. Dr. Peach doesn’t quit and provides what is commonly referred to as “Peach Power”.
The most humbling example of Dr. Peach’s ability to be a “lifesaver” is personal and an example of how she cares for and respects each patient at St. Patrick’s hospital. Recently, against all odds and at an unmeasurable emotional sacrifice, Dr. Peach ensured that one of her close friends was able to save the lives of three people at the end of her young life. The personal strength that Dr. Peach employed to perform the necessary lifesaving tasks to allow for organ donation, all while suffering in her own silent grief, is undeniable.
Dr. Shari Peach has given selflessly to others and made what seemed impossible become possible. Thank you for your dedication, support and courageous leadership.
It is our honor to present Dr. Peach with this month’s LifeSaver Award.